
Friday, June 8, 2012

Getting the Sleep We Need Every Night

The vast majority of us will experience sleep disorders at some time in our lives. Common causes of sleep disorders include stress, certain medications, circadian rhythm disorders or simply too much coffee! Insomnia can be temporary or become chronic if it's not dealt with in a timely fashion, so let's examine the above common causes of sleep disorders so we can eliminate them.

The easiest way to getrid of insomnia would be to restrict your caffeine intake coffee. Simply cut out coffee completely after lunch. This means tea and cola drinks as well because they contain a significant amount of caffeine.

Look at the medications you are currently taking, both prescription and over the counter. One or more of these may be causing your inability to sleep well. If in doubt, ask your pharmacist or doctor and see if there's another medication you can change over to which won't cause sleep disorders.
Circadian rhythm disorders is a scary name for a disruption in your 24 hour body clock. You may feel sleepy during the day and wide awake come bedtime. This can be fixed with bright light therapy or sleep restriction therapy.

Probably the worst of the common causes of sleep disorders is stress. How you deal with stress is a personal matter and can range from relaxation exercises to hypnosis or meditation. However you do it it is important to reduce the stress in your life to be able to sleep well again.

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